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I originally had this page for a list of recipes but I don't really make anything fancy, so instead why don't I list what the best foods are to eat, or actually what I prefer to have in my kitchen?

Do you ever think about what you are going to eat and then "no, that doesn't sound good". Or do you sometimes just eat because it makes you feel better. The trick to losing weight is to try and avoid this pattern. Don't just eat because you want to and it tastes good. Eat to live, not live to eat or whatever you want to say. I've always heard that some people are overweight because of emotional eating. I definitely think this can be true.

I eat rather simply. Here are some foods you should always have in stock. Eating healthy is very cheap (but somewhat boring):

Instant Brown Rice
I was always told to go with brown rice instead of white rice. I'm not sure of the exact reason. Probably because white rice is refined? I really hate the taste of brown rice and can't eat it plain, so I have to put something on it. I prefer to purchase the boiling bags but if you have a rice cooker get the cheaper kind in the larger sized bag.

Bags of Skinless/Boneless Chicken Breast
You can't eat much chicken that is fried or has the skin on it, so always stock up on these. Beware of very cheap bags found at some stores. The quality is pretty low. The best deal can be found at Wal-Mart. An entire bag is only $7.99! I eat my chicken breasts plain or with a little seasoning. I grill them on my George Foreman grill. If you don't have a George Foreman grill I suggest getting the large size since the one I have is only big enough for grilling one piece of chicken at a time.

The green ones are probably your best bet. I eat green beans, salad, broccoli and my favorite which is a sweet potatoe. You may also want to buy potatoes.

To be honest, I myself do not eat much fruit. You can go with grapes, apples or oranges, or whatever else you prfer. It's probably best to avoid the kind of lots of sugar like Pineapple. Small boxes of raisins also make a good snack.

I don't really care for fish. The only fish I will eat is tuna fish and Mahi Mahi, that's it. For tuna fish it's best to get the kind packed in water. They also have this new product out called Tuna Creations. It's just lightly marinated tuna in a small pouch. As you may know, tuna has a lot of protein.

Whole Grain Bread, Bagels
I don't eat many bagels and I try and avoid too much bread, especially at night.

Oatmeal, Grits, Whole Grain Cereal
I think breakfast is one of the most important meals of the day. I gave up cereal a long time ago. I probably haven't eaten cereal for breakfast in probably six months. I will usually eat Oatmeal or make an Omlette with Egg Beaters or Egg whites. The trick is to use fat free butter or fat free olive oil spray in the pan and only use fat free chedder cheese. Along with these meal you may want to add a slice of bread or another carb. Don't forget the water too. For the first few weeks of using the Bowflex I always drank the shake found below. Somedays if I am lazy or don't have time for a big breakfast I will just have a Meal Replacement or a protein shake. I'll admit to even skipping breakfast more than I should. Grits are also popular with some people. Right now i'm just trying to come up with a way to make them taste better.

Fat free milk
I gave up milk a long time ago. I would also use it for my protein powder but it got to the point where i'd drink it way to much and it'd get expensive. I also did not realize how much sugar Milk has in it. It sure doesn't seem like it would!

Yogurt causes me to overeat and want more of it so I don't buy it anymore. Whatever you do, try to get the sugar free or low sugar kind of yogurt. Sometimes you can make plain Yogurt taste ok by adding Sweet 'N Low but really the low sugar version is fine.

Cottage Cheese
This is by far one of the best sources of protein there is. Make sure you get the low fat version though! Some people mix it with yogurt or add fruit but I myself find that disgusting if you can believe that!

Deli Sliced Lunch Meats
If I want a sandwich I will just go to Subway instead. I usually get the 6" Turkey with everything except for Mayo, Oil and Vinegar. You can also add into it a bag of Baked Lays and a Diet Pepsi. Some people suggest skipping the chips and adding a Meal Replaement (ready-to-drink) to the meal for extra protein. Or simply getting double meat. I have no need for that because a 6" sub with chips and a large drink fills me up. 2 hours later i'll usually just eat a protein bar or something instead. Right now I probably go to Subway about 2 days a week.

Another excellent source of protein. Just be sure to remove the yolks. I usually make omlettes with them or make scrambled eggs. Eggs are my favorite food to eat for breakfast. They even have turkey bacon now to go with it if you like. I myself HATE Turkey Bacon and think it tastes like rubber.

These are good to have around:

Fat Free shredded chedder cheese, butter, mayo and salad dressing
Splenda, Equal or Sweet 'N Low
Natural Peanut Butter

Must own products:

The George Foreman Grill
High quality Rice Cooker (I found one for $4.00 at Wal-Mart once!)
High quality blender

Banana Orange Shake

This is a very good recipe for those that are low on money and can't usually afford to buy all those expensive protein shakes or simply just don't want to waste their money on them! I drank these as a breakfast replacement for weeks. They're not to bad tasting really. Each has about 300 calories each and is exactly what you need for breakfast. They also give you a lot of energy!

1 cup of Orange Juice
1 cup of Fat Free Milk
1 tsp Safflower Oil (this is a MUST)
1 Large Banana
2 TB Wheat Germ

Mix in blender until smooth.